What to do...
Post drafts of questions as answers to this post before submitting them to the main site. Please include the proposed:
- Title. See: Advice for writing question titles on Islam.SE
Question body.
I find this format works well:
- Motivation (why are you asking this question).
- Question (one question, highlighted).
- What I think the answer would be, but why I'm uncertain.
Tags. (E.g. write
for women.)
The eventual goal is to improve question quality and reduce comment noise. To this end, this thread enables users to give feedback before the post is live. It's a kind of question peer review.
Will this achieve anything?
I don't know. I'll do this as a trial run for now, to see how/if it works. And we can adapt it as we go along.
If it works, great. If it doesn't, we can try something else instead.
I'll start with draft question below.
This is an attempt at implementing the question sandbox suggested here by Zaid; see also How would a "question sandbox" work and how would it help the site?. I don't think a chat room would be useful for this site would be helpful, so I'll use a meta thread, like at Code Golf.