This is the answer that I gave to this question:
There are two distinct words “nafs” and “rooh”, which are both translated as “soul” in English. The word rooh is the same as the English word for soul. Nafs, however, is slightly different. The word nafs is defined as “a feature of the soul. This feature continuously directs people to committing sin.”★ The desire to commit evil acts, such as lying and cheating, is therefore a result of the nafs.
When a person follows the demands of his/her nafs, it grows stronger and demands more. Fighting against its wishes and worshiping more often, on the other hand, weakens the nafs and diminishes its impact on the person’s life. That being said, nafs can also be used to define “the self” as a whole instead of only the evil portion of it.
My answer was downvoted and deleted...and there was a comment by a moderator saying
We require that answers consist primarily of the words of their author, and that all quotes be clearly marked as such and attributed to their respective authors. If you can abide by these rules, you may post a new answer here
My answer actually does consist primarily of my own words. There is only a single sentence which I quoted (and put quotation marks), and then put a footnote to give the link.
My Question:
Why was my answer deleted? I just checked the rules, and it says that you have to blockquote your quotations. So is it not enough that I put quotation marks (since the quotation is very short)? Also, this doesn't seem to be the only reason my answer as deleted since the moderator says it has to be primarily my own words (which I think it is). So I'm just there something I'm misunderstanding?
Thank you in advance