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Can anybody please undelete my deleted posts?

There was a question which has been deleted by a moderator and there are some that I deleted, and I was thinking to undelete all of them so that this time, I can improve my posts including the one ...
Alex A's user avatar
  • 1,125
2 votes
2 answers

Why do I need at least 50rep for adding a comment?

as a relativley new user it is very frustating for me when I want to add a comment that is not possible for me because of the 50rep regulation. And when I answer a question it will be deletetd by an ...
kadesh's user avatar
  • 360
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1 answer

Different <blockquote> for Quran, Hadith and others

Apart from other StackExchange projects, Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other religious Q&A sites, especially the site of Islam, may contain 3 different types of <blockquote>s. <...
Mayeenul Islam's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can we have a "header bar" like area 51?

When I am not signed into area51, I see a read bar on top of the page that says: Welcome to Area 51, the Stack Exchange Q&A site creation zone – check out the FAQ! I believe this is useful for ...
مجاهد's user avatar
  • 15.4k
3 votes
1 answer

Automatically trigger the comment feature when down-voting a question or answer

A number of users have observed that when people down-vote questions or answers most of the time they do not leave any comments. This is a problem because this does not give the user or who asked the ...
مجاهد's user avatar
  • 15.4k