The meta question: delete on sight" policy for plagiarism is a proposal and it is not a rule of site.
It has many different answers. but I could not understand a clear official result from it.
The selected answers says it is not about new uses. right?
What is a clear official result of this long QA?
Has any extracted result from this QA added to help center as an official rule?
In some answers it says this rule is different about new users and established users.
For users who have been around for a while, and who have accumulated a lot of reputation, we're going to be a lot more strict about this. You're expected to know "by now" because you've been such an active participant in the system, how to do things right.
Please note the proposal itself is clear. but the result is not clear. i.e. if this proposal is accepted or rejected? and if accepted with or without any change? what is the button line outcoe of this long discussion?
The accepted answer by asker is the result? or the answer with most up vote? or other model? I do not understand how a result is concluded from a meta QA with different answers.