I read a lot of people saying there should me more limits, more methods of discouraging answers or questions, or that this site should be secular (which is a sect in a way...).
This is understandable considering some of the heated and extreme things being posted.
Is it going to meet the objective though? Will the community hire a group of full time employees to enforce this? Just because an answer is from a specific sect does that mean they are debating?
I say there should be less limits and more participation. Im interesting in hearing from each sect. In fact one of my first questions was about a sect stated in a heated manner but touching on a sensitive issue that I didnt know was so sensitive. That question got no answers but its not simple to answer.
On the other hand I got one very simple question that should have gotten an answer but did not. Why?
Then I got downvoted for posting this one. Just for mentioning Christianity? Why just one answer?
Then this one is a fundamental question asking about whether or not Islam is meant to be enforced "en mass" as a legal system. Fundamental question but it is downvoted as being a question that is not what? Off topic? Irrelevant? I disagreed with the only answer but did not downvote it because it is an important answer reflecting an important popular opinion.
The only way I got anything good from this site was by offering bounties. The answers are scarce. Maybe this experience is limited to myself but to solve this I think more freedom is necessary.
More freedom. That is what we all need here :)