This has now been applied to Islam.SE's FAQ
My own proposal for the FAQ is as follows:
Islam Stack Exchange is for experts in Islam, students of knowledge, and those interested in Islam on an academic level. For the purposes of this site, "Islam" includes all groups that identify themselves as Muslim; do expect to see answers from multiple points of view unless a certain perspective is explicitly requested in the question.
Respect other people's beliefs, and don't get into arguments about whether any particular group is "right" or "wrong"; we are all here to learn together.
Any questions on the subject of Islam are welcome here, including but not limited to Islamic law and theology, the Islamic texts, or classical Arabic as it pertains to understanding the above.
The following, however, are considered off-topic here except where they're shown to be directly relevant to the religion of Islam:
- Cultural practices and behaviour of Muslim communities
- Politics of Muslim-majority countries
- The Arabic language itself
It is also important to note that this is not a fatwa site. While questions on the legality of actions (from an Islamic perspective) are welcome, answers may be posted by anybody regardless of training or expertise. It is important to judge the evidences provided by each answer to the best of your own abilities, and accept such answers at your own risk.
While not exhaustive, the following meta discussions were significantly influential on what I chose to include: