We have lots of questions that are asked in a way or another rather frequently.
My intent with this post is seek some ideas and agreement on some topics that could fit.
We already have:
Is X halal? (reference question),
Which things break the wudu? a reference question for purity for wudu' ,
Who are the women that a man is forbidden to marry? one for women which are forbidden to marry and
https://islam.stackexchange.com/questions/65541/will-allah-do-such-and-or-such-reference-question an attempt for a reference question on topics that are rather 'ilm al-ghayb.
Among the topics that I'd suggest for discussion is certainly:
- Is this kufr-questions or is this shirk-kufr-questions:
What do I do in this case, is this Kufr?
Doing black magic but you did not know shirk was a sin
A Is "X" kufr (reference question) was posted and can be answered now.
Some attempts to ask such reference questions:
Kufr vs Shirk
Please vote and comment on the corresponding posts!
- There are other other topics that often pop-up like:
I've asked a question on this topic trying to make it a reference question: How and when is it allowed to treat najasah on items -without water-?. - Ta'aweez:
we have a good question and answer on this topic: What is the Islamic ruling regarding wearing charms or amulets?
It would be worth checking whether this answer/question is satisfactory or adding a new one (or several questions to fully address the topic) and maybe use this as a reference! - Games vs reality:
Is League of Legends haram or halal to play
https://islam.stackexchange.com/questions/69635/card-games-with-points - We also would need a post clarifying what Islam means by 'Uquq al-Walidyan عقوق الوالدين and Birr al-Waldiyan بر الوالدين because it is seemingly either translated by disrespect/respect or disobedience/obedience of the parents.
Please share your thoughts and maybe add some topics that could use a good reference question.
Edit: two suggestions:
please be pro-active
- If possible ask the question and link it.
- Else if not we could use the Draft question review [trial run] post for elaboration of questions.