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5 votes

Examining fatwa-request questions

A fatwa is a verdict. So maybe I'll start my answer with an off-topic comment by saying that AFAIK none of us is qualified to give fatwa. This means if the inquiry needs ijtihad (there's no verdict ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it ok to ask if someone can tell me where a certain story might be found?

The relevance to Islam seems pretty straightforward (it's about Muhammad, after all), and you seem to be looking for a particular known-to-exist story so it should be eminently answerable (assuming, ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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4 votes

The number of questions/answers and upvotes/downvotes per day

You express concern about the increasing number of downvotes, particularly about the points where site-wide downvotes literally outnumbered the upvotes. Back when that first turnover occurred, ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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4 votes

Advice for writing question titles on Islam.SE

It's worth mentioning up front, that this is general advice; it can be (and should be) foregone in cases where it would be beneficial to do so. People can reasonably have differences of opinion. ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
4 votes

Examining fatwa-request questions

I think the thing that bothers me most about this class of questions is how few of them (e.g. none of the ones in the actual list) actually define the point of view they're (a) asking for, or (b) ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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4 votes

Examining fatwa-request questions

Here, I aim to give a coarse quantitative analysis of answers to fatwa-request questions. The aim is to better understand how important fatwa-request questions are at Islam.SE. I use a simple ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
4 votes

Community Bot poking old questions

So far as Stack Exchange is concerned, a question is considered unanswered if: No answer has been marked as accepted AND No answer has a positive score The Community bot will periodically bump any ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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4 votes

Community Bot poking old questions

In addition to what @goldPseudo has said, you can also prevent a question from being bumped by the bot by doing the following: closing the question (will only work if enough people close it) down ...
UmH's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the correct way of asking a question?

Make it as easy as possible for the answerer to answer. This is probably the most important thing. Stick to one question and make it stand out. The answerer should have no doubt as to what the ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
3 votes

How do we answer a question "Is X haram?" when there's no reason to think X is haram?

I might use a comment template to vote to close (overwriting the auto-generated one): We seek effortful questions showing prior research. Asking about permissibility without indicating a reason it'...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
3 votes

How do we answer a question "Is X haram?" when there's no reason to think X is haram?

"Why do you think X would be haram?" is pretty much the most basic research effort required for this class of question. If they're lacking even that, you should mostly just be closing them as dupes of ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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3 votes

What are the rules on editing questions into completely new questions, for Islam SE and SE in general?

Generally it is not acceptable (see relevant MSE question at Should I use existing questions to "ask new ones" when in a question ban?). If there has been pretty much any significant ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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3 votes

A list of 24 questions about triple talaq

Excellent compilation of list, and I guess it will grow with time. I always have a reservation about such questions, though. Islam.SE is not a fatwa site, yet lots of questions about triple talaq are ...
III-AK-III's user avatar
  • 14.7k
3 votes

Draft question review [trial run]

What exactly is Taqwa? So many verses in the Qur'an call on the believers to have Taqwa, which is usually translated as "piety" or consciousness of Allah. But what does observing piety entail? What ...
Zaid's user avatar
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3 votes

Are questions about a narrow field off topic?

This particular question: I voted to reopen. (Although, at the time it was closed, I was in agreement.) In its current state, it's a reasonable enough question, essentially asking In order for ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
3 votes

Should we change "What's your Islam-related question? Be specific" to "What do you want to learn about Islam? Ask a specific question"?

I do not see any harm in changing the default text; it may help. We can monitor over time if this has a positive impact on the quality of questions (title and content).
III-AK-III's user avatar
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3 votes

Do you mean "read" (from a book) or "recite" (from memory) or "perform" (prayer)?

When it comes to Qur'an itself the most used verb to cover both the reading from a book and the recitation out of the memory in Arabic is قَرَأ which mainly is translated to read (but also to recite) ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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2 votes

Are questions on the historical inauguration of some "utilities" or "methods" on topic?

I found a question which is on similar topic: Global Islamic Calendar IMHO If this question has place in this site yours may have a place also.
nim's user avatar
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2 votes

Draft question review [trial run]

How can a man who has no hands or feet steal? (Is this hadith weak?) The following hadith is classed as "Hasan (Al-Albani)" on Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah: A thief was brought ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
2 votes

Would it help to ask lots of questions during Ramadan?

Ramadan challenge. Aiming for 50 questions during Ramadan. I'm done now. I'm out of questions, and need to do other things. But I got 50+ questions in. It became a bit of a bookkeeping nightmare ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
2 votes

Asking Question about Islamic history

My impression is that Islamic history is on-topic and I've not seen an alternative stance on this. There's even a history tag (with 240 questions currently). Moreover, my experience suggests ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
2 votes

Draft question review [trial run]

What are the similarities/differences between a wife and a female slave owned by a man? Married women have several similarities with slave women: (a) obedience, (b) sex is permissible, (c) she may ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
2 votes

Asking about one post

The title of the posting you are asking about isn't a question, and the body of the question itself doesn't contain a single "?". There is no actual question in the posting. Questions must ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
1 vote

Draft question review [trial run]

Does "drawing a drawing of an animate being" include an instance of "drawing an animate being"? A painting (and drawings, etc.) is not animate; a painting does not have a soul. ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
1 vote

Would it help to ask lots of questions during Ramadan?

I'm all for it, the historical data supports it and we just might acquire some very knowledgeable users in the process. The quality of the questions matters. Quantity not so much in my opinion. We ...
Zaid's user avatar
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Draft question review [trial run]

The cooking recipe of the prophet () and his favourite dishes Remark: Maybe some would consider this off-topic. In some ahadith we find a few indications or even descriptions of dishes the prophet ()...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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1 vote

Draft question review [trial run]

How to take some seemingly exaggerated statement about famous scholars or pious people? In many Friday sermons and lessons scholars often just quote statements about the piety of some people of the ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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1 vote

Draft question review [trial run]

Are there rulings on how to pay zakat if one delayed paying it? I'd be glad for some input as I don't want this to become too broad: Muslims are asked to pay zakat and we are warned not to delay it as ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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1 vote

Draft question review [trial run]

Which surah of the Qur'an covers the most topics? Note: I'm afraid that this might be declared as either too broad or unclear, therefore comments are welcome. If we look at different surahs of the ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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1 vote

Draft question review [trial run]

How could we know which qira'a was used in the original manuscript of a tafsir book? During my investigation for Why is the Hafs reading of the Qur'an so prevalent? I couldn't stop thinking about ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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