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Why my question is classified as off-topic and others are not?

This post is to find the reasons that this question was classified as off-topic (and closed) without giving the OP this possible explanations: The Quran or Islamic scripture doesn't explain this ...
AnteDeum's user avatar
  • 331
1 vote
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How is question 35315 "Are all things that are not haram halal?" unclear?

This post is about the question: Are all things that are not haram halal? It was recently put on hold by a diamond moderator: put on hold as unclear what you're asking by Bleeding Fingers♦ 12 ...
qdinar's user avatar
  • 968
-2 votes
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Why was the question 16458 closed?

Why was this question closed? It was a clear question asking whether there might be a reconciliation between the Hadith and a historical fact.
Amin's user avatar
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0 votes
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Why is the question 14573 closed?

After the question 14573 was asked, it became onhold by one of the mods and commented by him as such: So I edited the question as it was commented. But, it was "Closed" after a while! Why ...
Mohammad Hossein's user avatar
8 votes
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What can I do when a moderator closes a question that I think has merit?

This question was closed by a moderator. The reason given was "Unclear what you're asking", however I did attempt to edit it to improve the clarity and yet it was still closed! Given that the ...
infatuated's user avatar
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