Questions tagged [close-reasons]

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3 votes
2 answers

Can we make a general "not Islam-related" off-topic close reason work?

In Replacing the off-topic close reasons? (draft), I proposed this as a draft off-topic close reason: This question is unrelated to the teachings of Islam. This includes questions about politics, ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Replacing the off-topic close reasons? (draft)

In my humble opinion, the current off-topic reasons are not great (criticisms below) so in this meta post, I propose replacements. Think of this as a first draft to encourage discussion and feedback. ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Are questions about a narrow field off topic?

I am asking about this kind of question : Must we believe in a hidden variable for quantum indeterminacy? . It has been put on hold as "unclear what you are asking", while with this formulation, the ...
user5751924's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Conflict advice-request tag vs close reason: opinion based

Well as i passed by many question which are a clear request for an advice on a matter or issued situation. The point is as there's a tag advice-request. And there's the closing reason for opinion ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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How should I respond to questions asking for specific help?

I'm talking about questions of the form "what should I do?" or "is what I'm doing haram/halal?" For example (Apologies, I really didn't want to point out specific questions, but I feel like doing so ...
Student's user avatar
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3 answers

Should question 18722 really be closed?

It was my question: I wrote a question regarding the importance of the ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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4 answers

A new off-topic closure reason

We have been receiving some questionable questions, which seem to be simply attempts of polemic and pushing of agendas and ulterior motives, some examples of these questions are: Did the first ...
مجاهد's user avatar
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2 answers

Islamic political questions repeatedly closed down despite no consensus and valid rationale [duplicate]

A second question regarding Al-Quds day, (and the latest in a long list of questions on politics of Islam) was closed down unilaterally by a mod, despite the fact there's neither any consensus by the ...
infatuated's user avatar
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Why was the question about Al-Quds Day closed?

This question which asks about the origins of the Al-Quds International Day and how it is related to Islam was closed for being off-topic on the pretext of being related to muslim culture or behavior ...
infatuated's user avatar
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What is unclear about question 14741?

The following question was "on hold" for being unclear. In fact this ...
Mohammad Hossein's user avatar
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How should we close medical questions?

Exactly how should we close questions which ask about medical issues that cannot be answered except by being in presence of a doctor who has the knowledge about that person's issue/condition/history ...
مجاهد's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Can we open question about Nikkah? was closed as not clear. I think it is an important question and needs to be answered. Basically the question is asking about ...
muslim1's user avatar
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Should the question "I am unmarried, how to keep myself clean?" be closed down?

Should the question I am unmarried, how to keep myself clean? be closed down because Islam SE: Not a Muslim Peer Support Group? If so, then why is the community so reluctant to vote to close it down? ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
2 votes
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Is the question "Should Elohim in Hebrew be translated into Allah?" on-topic here?

The question doesn't seem to be have anything to do with Islam and is about the Hebrew language. And how a particular Arabic word translated into Hebrew. ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
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Is the question asking for the burial practices followed when a Muslim dies too broad?

The question appear to be too broad for the Q&A model plus it appear to be a question that can be answered using commonly-available resources. Share ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

What should be done about question 10819?

What should be done about ? Is it off-topic? And why is it so? What can be done to improve it? Is it salvageable?
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to flag question related to the Arabic language?

The question Spelling of Thabbat looks clearly off-topic because it is related to The Arabic language itself but in the flag dialog the off-topic reasons do not provide any such option to be be chosen ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Improve the off-topic closure reasons

Currently, there are only two off-topic closure reasons besides belonging on a different SE site. They are Questions on Muslim culture or behaviour unrelated to the teachings of Islam are off-topic ...
Daniel's user avatar
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