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Questions tagged [capital-t-truth]

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Censorship in Islam Stack Exchange?

I've been answering some questions regarding the death of Jesus (as) with a very detailed lists of proofs as to his death being proven by Quran and Hadith. Yet they are being deleted by moderators (...
Munassar Alam's user avatar
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What is Truth...?

What is Truth? Apparently the site has a problem with capital-T truth posts. ...we have lost a number of constructive users over the years because of this ... in short, rampant Truth claims are still ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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I'm unclear on what qualifies as "Truth"iness and apologetics, and how to deal with it

For this answer, I suggested via an edit that the following section should be removed due to being "Truth"y (and a false analogy): Some oppose slavery because they are brainwashed to think slavery ...
G. Bach's user avatar
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Are questions like "how do I know Islam is true" a matter of preaching Truth?

Sometimes, questions asking for proof that Islam is true (here's a current one) come up; this is a question not about Islam per se, but about some logically prior meta-system of being convinced, ...
G. Bach's user avatar
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What should be done about question 237?

Going through the late answers queue, the question "Is listening to Music Halal (permissible) or Haram (prohibited) in Islam?" appears to have resurfaced. As an older question, written before we ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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How can we discourage users from using the site to preach Truth

Even (almost) three years since the site opened, answers on the main page are still far more heavily "Truthy" than neutral/academic: Many posts are written with a bias that "Islam" has exactly one "...
goldPseudo's user avatar
4 votes
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I read a thing does this mean...?

I've noticed a trend in questions, in which basically a question is asked of the form "I just read a [fatwa|ayah|hadith], does this mean [extrapolated ruling applicable to all Muslims everywhere]?" A ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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How to re-write the question in constructive way?

I recently posted the following question: Is there any islamic justification for killing the other Muslims with different Sharia'? It was initially put on hold with the given reason being that it ...
Ali's user avatar
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Is there any way to make Truth questions constructive?

I have recently gone through the review queue, and came across a lot of low-quality and/or first/late answers which were answers to very weak questions. Many of these questions were basically of the ...
goldPseudo's user avatar