Linked Questions

21 votes
2 answers

Islam—Stack Exchange is not for debates or apologetics

If you've watched this meta site for, well, pretty much since the beginning, you've noticed constant discussion about how Sunni and Shia Muslims can get along. My colegue, Robert Cartaino, encouraged ...
8 votes
5 answers

Read this before declaring "it's not fair"

0. What is this post? We get occasional meta posts where a user basically decides "it's not fair" for some reason or another. The content here should be considered basic background ...
26 votes
5 answers

No Tolerance for Intolerance

I've noticed a trend among some people that they attack other people's ideologies. That is to say, they go through answers that have, say, hadith, and say things like: All hadith are not authentic ...
6 votes
3 answers

The number of questions/answers and upvotes/downvotes per day

Using data explorer (e.g. this), I generated the following plots which show the per-day number of questions and answers, and upvotes and downvotes. (The moving average is over a 30-day period.) I ...
5 votes
1 answer

Some obstacles to graduation: self-moderation, question inflow, upvotes, and experts

TL;DR: I list what I see as obstacles to site graduation: 1. Not ready to self-moderate; 2. Not enough questions per day; 3. Not enough upvotes on upvote-worthy content; 4. No experts. To turn this ...
12 votes
3 answers

How can we discourage users from using the site to preach Truth

Even (almost) three years since the site opened, answers on the main page are still far more heavily "Truthy" than neutral/academic: Many posts are written with a bias that "Islam" has exactly one "...
-2 votes
2 answers

Do the moderators get paid & Shall we reappoint the moderators?

Having high interest in any field is fine, but moderators seem to be doing it more as a Job than as a Hobby. Some moderators are really annoying new users by down Voting a lot. If the content is not ...
25 votes
0 answers

Take pride in your community, and work to build a site you can be proud of

I wish I didn't have to write this. But this site is in trouble. Nearly two years ago, one of my co-workers at the time wrote Why Sectarianism is Ruining Your Site, warning y'all about the dangers ...
15 votes
2 answers

Disagreement should not be a basis for down-voting

Similar issues has been discussed before, but from my limited look around the site (I haven't been very active recently) it seems to me that the site has moved in the opposite direction. So let me ...
1 vote
2 answers

Suspended in chat on trying to make the other user compliant to etiquette

I and another user @infatuated were suspended in chat after I tried to make a case that we should not speak ill of sahabas , but she hesitated and did not agree with me, this caused the only mod to ...
1 vote
1 answer

How are pro tempore moderators appointed and can they be replaced?

I see many meta posts complaining against the alleged action of moderators; particularly goldPseudo. As these posts keep coming up, I would like to know if it is even possible for a mod change to ...
1 vote
1 answer

When should we have elections?

I've been using other SE sites for quite a long time when I discovered Islam SE, completely to my surprise it has been running for a long time and still Beta! I have objections to many policies around ...
5 votes
0 answers

Do mods come straight from hell if they are not the way we want them to be?

I'm not that active here(very busy, nothing else), but I have been in a phase that I think sharing it may help some others who are feeling like what I felt. first days when I came here I posted ...
44 votes
3 answers

Why Sectarianism is Ruining Your Site

This morning I spent a solid two hours clearing out a whole mess of flags, comments, and suspending users for inflammatory and nonconstructive remarks. Four days after ashes999 posted his plea for ...
16 votes
1 answer

Please vote based on quality

As a former moderator on one site that deals with religious texts, a user on the three strictly religious sites, and a participant on religious topics that pop up from time to time on other sites, I'...

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