There's no reason why not. What's important is that it's asked in such a way that it attracts answers that actually and completely answer the question.
In my experience, most of the questions which do ask for answers according to both Sunni and Shi'ite perspectives only attract items rather than answers; you'll get one post which explains the a Sunni perspective, and another post which explains the a Shi'ite perspective, and these just get voted on based on popularity; this is pretty much exactly not how the Stack Exchange model is intended to work.
If your question is asked in such a way as to only attract these sorts of items, that's the definition of "opinion-based" and should be closed as such. If the question is not so-phrased, but still attracting such items instead of actual answers, those need to be explicitly discouraged, i.e. by downvoting, deleting and/or flagging as NAA (otherwise, again, the question itself will likely need to be closed as opinion-bait).
Is it possible to actually ask such a question constructively? I'm sure it is, but the onus is still on (a) the questioner and (b) the community to make it work.