Note: I've given this as an answer to another question, but since it is very likely to get downvoted (for reason stated below), and as it deserves to be discussed I'm making this as a "discussion" question.
I'm a Muslim, specifically what they call "Quranist", those who follow the book of God alone (the Last testament, while strongly believing in the Bible and the Torah) and giving no importance to Hadiths or any religious authority beside God and the given ability to tell what is right fron what is not. This being said, I used my knowledge to the best of my ability to answer many questions, with the Quran and the Reason as a back-up. And everytime I'd get "booed" by the majority that is mainly Sunni people.
We (Those who Follow God Alone) are already called out as "disbelievers" i.e we’re going to hell in this question and its answers: The sins of hadith rejections Of course, such questions and answers coming from these people do not surprise me...In fact, everyone that doesn't follow what their scholars are preaching is going to Hell. Whether you believe in Allah only, or not believe at all.
No problem, I might just do the same and question some of their belief on Hadiths in a much more reasonable way:
- Any Reason to seek knowledge beyond God's words (Quran) But Of course it gets immediately closed by goldPseudo.
- Another one, Do these hadiths discredit all other hadiths? Closed by goldPseudo again.
Another example which led to my suspension: I was called as "non-Muslim" for my view.
In this example Judgement day, the waiting period , I did my best to answer the question using the Quran and the God-given logical reasoning (that's what "Quranist" do anyways), and then as usually I get someone downvoting me and telling me that "the hadiths say otherwise" and then later on adds that " MUSLIMS believe that hadiths are authoritative texts"* implying that my views are of a non-Muslim therefore incorrect and deserve a downvote.
- So basically, if your question/answer uses Quranic based Logic while there are Other ruling by their scholars then it is very likely to be downvoted or just not upvoted at all, or even flagged & closed, or just called out as being wrong .
- They are allowed to take a jab or two at your posts but once you do the same to them expect a load of downvotes/closing/flagging and strikes from goldPseudo.
And I've been getting a ton of grudge. A small example from couple days ago:
Bottom line is if your view don't really match or follow the Sunni view you are likely to get a bad experience in this place, simply because they are the majority.
Quranists a.k.a "God Alone followers" have no place in SE Islam.
Edit: Question in case one cannot see the question raised, how does the provided evidences prove that SE Islam is pluralistic ? It doesn't seem so.