I have recently gone through the review queue, and came across a lot of low-quality and/or first/late answers which were answers to very weak questions. Many of these questions were basically of the form: "I tried to find the answer to this question and got multiple answers; one group says this, one group says that, and one group says this whole other thing entirely. Which one is right?" For example,
- https://islam.stackexchange.com/q/8136/22
- https://islam.stackexchange.com/q/9486/22
- https://islam.stackexchange.com/q/9825/22
- https://islam.stackexchange.com/q/11621/22
- https://islam.stackexchange.com/q/18900/22
These questions are basically examples of what C.SE calls "Truth Questions"; questions not about studying the topic of the religion, rather they're trying to find out and/or prove which interpretation/denomination is "more correct."
In pretty much every case, these questions have attracted answers that are really nothing but apologetic, and a lot of argumentative comments that are really nothing but polemic: We are very clearly not a site for debate and apologetics, so when questions pretty much attract nothing but debate and apologetics, there's a good chance that these questions are fundamentally off-topic and/or unworkable under the Stack Exchange model.
So the question lies: Is there any value whatsoever to these questions under the Stack Exchange model? Are they in any way making the Internet a better place? Is there any way we can make these things work?