9817 views: Difference between performing Fard and Sunnah prayerDifference between performing Fard and Sunnah prayer This is the 3-rd Google hit if we Google the title
fard sunnah prayer
. This should be our goal.208 views: Is it permissible to make and watch TV programs with living creatures in them?Is it permissible to make and watch TV programs with living creatures in them? Not on the first page of
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norislam tv creatures
.101 views: A Question Concerning Consensus and HadithA Question Concerning Consensus and Hadith This is the 7-th Google hit for
consensus hadith
, but what is the likelihood of this post's contents being relevant to the Google user?78 views: Islamic definition of ownershipIslamic definition of ownership Doesn't make the first page for
islam ownership
, and is the 5-th hit even if we Google the question title itselfIslamic definition of ownership
.76 views: Building a Prayer Place As an In-ChargeBuilding a Prayer Place As an In-Charge. The English in this title is not great; so a Google user will expect the post to contain English errors. It doesn't make the first page of Google hits for
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Does the Treaty of Najran have any modern-day applicability?Does the Treaty of Najran have any modern-day applicability?
In what way does a layperson have no legal school?In what way does a layperson have no legal school?
And, to give an example of how we can do it at Islam.SE: my question Where are the seven levels of the nafs in Sufism mentioned in the Qur'an?Where are the seven levels of the nafs in Sufism mentioned in the Qur'an? received reliable answers, and I added it as a reference here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sufi_psychology